MINIMODEL 1:100 & 1:300 - DACIA DUSTER 4x4 Comfort 2018

Po prvom modele SAVIEMu prichádza úplná novinka. Zatiaľčo SAVIEM mal ešte predlohu v pôvodných Miniboxoch, DACIA DUSTER je zgruntu nová a originálna. Rumunský Renault, ktorý si získal srdcia motoristov (len tak zo srandy, skúste ich počítať na cestách) si teraz razí cestu aj do partičky Minimodelov. V novom šate - s ručne kreslenými ilustráciami, tentokrát aj kompletne ručne kolorovaný - model v mierke 1:100 aj 1:300 v krabičkovej BASIC aj modelovej EXTRA verzii. Pevne verím, že si model užijete rovnako, ako ja :)))


RobertKza napísal(a)…
This is a great model and I am 50% complete.
Can you explain how to create the wheels with the long strips and wheel disks. I have posted a likely sketch to your facebook page. Your help would be appreciated. Regards Robert
Dark Tower napísal(a)…
The model wheels - it's speciality of the original MiniBox models - you are right about that, the long strip is rolled to form solid wheel. Just take wooden toothpick or wooden stick and start to roll the strips on it (glue the strip with few glue drops, but do not glue it to the wooden stick), until you get the right size of the wheel (comparing the progress to outside parts). After that glue the outside parts on rolled strips. That's one way, another is to use some hole puncher and punch the right diameter wheels out of the cardboard.

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